Friday, October 31, 2014

Animanga Review: Neon Genesis Evangelion

Just finnished watching anime! Well it was hell of a ride, because the anime was Neon Genesis Evangelion (1995)!

And why did I get myself to watch it this late? Simply because I don't didn't like mecha. And so I managed to avoid it, after all world is full of anime! But, I believe that it might have been a mistake... So first thing into mecha was obviously NGE. There's a big fuss about it, so why not.

And so?

Main character is this fourteen year old boy, who is, well kind of weird and always sad kind of boy. Of course, how would you behave if your mom was dead and father some kind of ignoring sociopath. Shinji, main character, is shy, lacking confidence and believes that he is the most unnecessary person in the universe. But let's take a look on the others. Most of them are females, that served, in my opinion, as a guidance for Shinji. Of course they've had their own development, but Shinji just touched all their stories, either in good way or bad. And not to forget EVA, giant mass of something, with something and mecha thing.

Where to begin? Shinji is invited to Japan by his father to pilot EVA for company that owns it/she, Nerv. And Shinji is desperately trying to save the world from Angels, but mostly to please his father. That sums it, without adding spoilers. Till you reach episode fifteen it is quite normal stuff, for anime. But then, it is a whole new level of stuff. Just stuff! What was going on? Well, I also watched movie End of Evangelion, that should sum it up after all. Did it? Not sure.

Overall thoughts.
Evangelion is prologue of mental breakdown for simple minded individuals and total devastation of unicorn dreams for those stronger minded. If you are an adult, you might find it difficult to be in a position of fourteen year old. Trying to grow up, just to find that you didn't. Plus self love. Well only if you won't kill yourself until the end of anime, you will really love yourself. If you are looking for reason or meaning in this, good luck.

But even though, you want to watch till the bitter end. If you look at it through a thick curtain, like really thick, than it is about a boy growing up (you have it really weird guys). At the end you will wonder what just happened. World, children, apocalypse, vagina on the hand... Shit went down! And it is all served in only twenty six episodes, plus the movie.

If you are ready for something extraordinary, then try it. Just keep your sanity together and remember, it will be best time of your life, that you spent on something weirdly unknown.

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