Monday, March 23, 2015

Drama for weekend: History inspired TV Series

Have you ever been interested in history? No? What a shame! Personally, I loved history ever since I saw Indiana Jones. And don't take me wrong, I don't learn about history through pop culture. But it might be a nice start, if you are totally uninterested. So, maybe these TV series will change your mind.

Since it would be too long (and boring) to talk about every single episode, I decided to take on three history inspired TV series. I chose three, that I consider as the most memorable (for me). Of course, I do remember shameless series with 'all the time naked' Lucy Lawless, but I avoided it for that very reason. My choices are The Tudors, Vikings  and The Borgias.

The Tudors. Or intriguing nobles!
I don't think it is the best history drama (after a while it is repetitive), but I love history of Tudors (War of Roses, queen Elizabeth Tudor, Catherine of Aragon). And that made me watch it till the end. This TV series were on its peak around first and second season. The story concentrated on Anne Boleyn was very cleverly made. But it was also interesting to watch Henry as he aged and well, did what he is best known for. Because no matter how good king you are, you will be remembered for killing your wives and departing from the catholic church. 

Vikings. Or intriguing Scandinavians! 
I don't want to write too much about this one, because it is still ongoing and I've seen only first season. Vikings took on really interesting theme and trailers looked awesome, unfortunately for me, it did not deliver. I intend to watch it till the end though. It was not that bad. I just thought, that sometimes it was dragging too slow! Don't take me wrong, I liked it. But I feel like it does not belong to 'season per day' series. Then again, we were able to see brutes doing what they do best - fight, drink, rape. While watching it, I felt like being Athelstan. And that is all I have to say.

The Borgias. Or intriguing clergymen! 
My favorite! I love Borgias. And not just the series, but Italy, renaissance and the stuff noble families of that age did! Holy Pikachu! That must have been a party! The Borgias are again about noble  papal family. If you don't know about them, find out. It is worth it! The Borgias were one of the most disgusting (recorded) families in history. Murder, theft and incest! And yet, these series made you sympathize with them. How cunning and witty they were! How they were able to manipulate people, with or without money. It was priceless! I even rooted for Cesare and Lucrezia (incest siblings). Of course, incest was too much, but I was able to understand their relationship. But still, too much...

If you can't see why interest in history can improve your life, let me tell you shortly. You will understand people better. You might be able to foretell their behavior and you might become better manipulator yourself. And it is not something negative, you can use it to have a better life. Of course, don't harm others in the process!  And maybe avoid murder, theft, incest, rape, carnage... Just... Try to take the best of it? And also, try not to spread trivia based on history drama. It is not that accurate... But still fun to watch and awesome boost for your interest in history!

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